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Starting a policy project

A policy project will arise from an identified policy gap. This means a question, a process, or a responsibility that is not addressed by any existing policy instrument.

A project could take many forms:

  • Editorial amendments to an existing policy (e.g. changing contact information in a policy)
  • Substantive amendments to an existing policy
  • Developing new procedures to support an existing policy
  • Developing a new policy with supporting procedures

You should contact when you identify a policy gap for help in deciding the best approach.

Drafting policy instruments

If you are amending an existing policy instrument, contact for the latest approved version to work from. If an existing policy instrument has not been amended in a long time, the Policy Office will advise if edits are needed to update to the current template. If you are drafting from scratch, you can retrieve policy instrument templates from our website.

Getting a policy instrument approved 

The guide to approval path and mandatory consultation steps lays out the mandatory steps for each category and type of policy instrument.

Contact for assistance in planning the consultation and approval of a policy instrument.


Determining category and type of policy instrument

The policy framework lays out a mandatory consultation and approval path for each category of policy instrument and for each type of policy instrument within a category. The Policy Office is responsible for determining the categorization of each policy instrument.

If you are working on a policy instrument and you are not sure which category applies, we have developed a tool to help determine the policy instrument category. Try the interactive tool or view an image.

Contact if you have a policy instrument in need of categorization.